First Monograph: Psychiatric Consequences Of WTC Collapse And The Gulf War, May 2003. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-00-2.
Rs. 100/- US $10/-
Second Monograph: Towards A Suicide Free Society: Identify Suicide Prevention As Public Health Policy, July-Aug. 2003. ISSN
0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-01-0. Rs. 100/- US $10/-
Third Monograph: What Shall We Do About Our Concern With The Most Recent In Psychiatric Research?, Sept.-Oct. 2003. ISSN 0973-1229.
ISBN 81-89753-02-9. Rs. 100/- US $10/-
Fourth Monograph: Replicative Nature Of Indian Research, Essence Of Scientific Temper, And Future of Scientific Progress,
Nov.-Dec. 2003. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-98753-03-7. Rs. 100/- US $10/-
Fifth Monograph: Gandhi On Religion, Faith And Secularism: Secular Blueprint Relevant Today, Jan.-Feb. 2004. ISSN 0973-1229.
ISBN 81-89753-04-5. Rs. 100/- US $10/-
Sixth Monograph: The Goal: Health For All- The Commitment: All For Health, Mar.-Apr. 2004. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-05-3.
Rs. 100/- US $10/-
Mens Sana Monographs Annual 2004: Psychiatry, Science, Religion And Health, May-Oct. 2004. Rs 350/- US $ 35/- (HB): Rs. 200/-
US $20/- (PB). ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-06-1 (HB). ISBN 81-89753-07-X (PB).
The Seventh Monograph: Resolution of the Polarisation of Ideologies and Approaches in Psychiatry, Nov.2004-Feb.2005. Rs. 100/-
US $10/-. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-98753-08-8.
The Eight Monograph: Medical Practice, Psychiatry And The Pharmaceutical Industry: And Ever The Trio Shall Meet-I: The Connection
between Academia and Industry, Mar.-June 2005. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-98753-09-6.
The Ninth Monograph: Medical Practice, Psychiatry And The Pharmaceutical Industry: And Ever The Trio Shall Meet-II: Public
Welfare Agenda or Corporate Research Agenda?, July-Oct. 2005. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-10-X.
Combined Vol. (Eight and Ninth Monograph).Rs. 250/- US $ 25/-. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-11-8.
The Tenth Monograph: Where is Medicine Heading? Pointers and Directions from Recent Law Suits Against Industry: Medicine As
A Corporate Enterprise, Patient Welfare Centered Profession, Or Patient Welfare Centered Professional Enterprise?, Nov.2005-Feb.
2005. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-12-6. Rs. 250/- US $ 25/-.
Earlier Mens Sana Monographs
First Monograph: Psychiatric Consequences Of WTC
Collapse And The Gulf War, May 2003. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-00-2.
Rs. 100/- US $10/-
Second Monograph: Towards A Suicide Free Society:
Identify Suicide Prevention As Public Health Policy, July-Aug. 2003. ISSN
0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-01-0. Rs. 100/- US $10/-
Third Monograph: What Shall We Do About Our Concern
With The Most Recent In Psychiatric Research?, Sept.-Oct. 2003. ISSN 0973-1229.
ISBN 81-89753-02-9. Rs. 100/- US $10/-
Fourth Monograph: Replicative Nature Of Indian Research,
Essence Of Scientific Temper, And Future of Scientific Progress, Nov.-Dec.
2003. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-98753-03-7. Rs. 100/- US $10/-
Fifth Monograph: Gandhi On Religion, Faith And Secularism:
Secular Blueprint Relevant Today, Jan.-Feb. 2004. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-04-5.
Rs. 100/- US $10/-
Sixth Monograph: The Goal: Health For All- The Commitment:
All For Health, Mar.-Apr. 2004. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-05-3. Rs.
100/- US $10/-
Mens Sana Monographs Annual 2004: Psychiatry, Science,
Religion And Health, May-Oct. 2004. Rs 350/- US $ 35/- (HB): Rs. 200/-
US $20/- (PB). ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-06-1 (HB). ISBN 81-89753-07-X (PB).
The Seventh Monograph: Resolution of the Polarisation
of Ideologies and Approaches in Psychiatry, Nov.2004-Feb.2005. Rs. 100/-
US $10/-. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-98753-08-8.
The Academia-Industry Symposium
The Eight Monograph: Medical Practice, Psychiatry
And The Pharmaceutical Industry: And Ever The Trio Shall Meet-I: The Connection
between Academia and Industry, Mar.-June 2005. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-98753-09-6.
The Ninth Monograph: Medical Practice, Psychiatry
And The Pharmaceutical Industry: And Ever The Trio Shall Meet-II: Public
Welfare Agenda or Corporate Research Agenda?, July-Oct. 2005. ISSN 0973-1229.
ISBN 81-89753-10-X.
Combined Vol. (Eight and Ninth Monograph).Rs. 250/- US $ 25/-. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-11-8.
The Tenth Monograph: Where is Medicine Heading? Pointers
and Directions from Recent Law Suits Against Industry: Medicine As A Corporate
Enterprise, Patient Welfare Centered Profession, Or Patient Welfare Centered
Professional Enterprise?, Nov.2005-Feb. 2005. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-12-6.
Rs. 250/- US $ 25/-.
Current Monograph :
The Eleventh
Monograph : What Medicine Means to Me, Mar-Dec 2006.ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-13-4. Rs. 500/- US $ 40/-.
Forthcoming Monographs:The
Academia-Industry Symposium
- The Twelfth Monograph: Medical
Practice, Psychiatry And The Pharmaceutical Industry: And Ever The Trio Shall Meet-III: Guidelines, Editors, and the Biological
Paradigm shift., Jan.-June 2007. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-14-2.
- The Thirteenth Monograph: Medical
Practice, Psychiatry And The Pharmaceutical Industry: And Ever The Trio Shall Meet-IV: Gifts and Samples, CMEs and ICMJE Revised
guidelines, July-Dec 2007. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-15-0.
- Combined Volume: Medical
Practice, Psychiatry And The Pharmaceutical Industry: And Ever The Trio Shall Meet. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-16-9. Rs.
500/- US $ 40/-.
- The Fourteenth Monograph:
Theme Monograph: Medicine, Mental Health, Science, Religion and Well-being. Jan
2007-Dec 2007. ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-17-7.
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Also by Ajai R. Singh:
The Swara Sampada Sourcebook on Music,I
Edn 2005, Swara Sampada and Kaizen Education Systems. ISBN 81-901406-2-0. Rs. 150/-, US $ 15/-.
Also by Ajai R. Singh: The Swara Sampada Sourcebook on Music,I Edn 2005, Swara Sampada and Kaizen Education Systems. ISBN
81-901406-2-0. Rs. 150/-, US $ 15/-.
Mens Sana Monographs [MSM]: A Mens Sana Research Foundation Publication