
MSM 5(1), 2007. ISSN 0973-1229 |
ISBN: 978-81-89753-14-6 |
MSM 2009 Some issues in women's
studies, and other essays
MSM 2008 Theme Monograph: Medicine,
Mental Health, Science, Religion and Well-being
Theme Issue 2007: The
Academia-Industry Symposium 2007. Medical Practice And The Pharmaceutical Industry: And Ever The Duo Shall Meet
ISBN 81-89753-14-2.
1. Jerome P. Kassirer
Distinguished Professor
at Tufts University School of Medicine, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, New England Journal of Medicine
2. Joel Lexchin
Professor in the School of Health Policy and Management at York University
3. Martin B Van der Wayden
Editor, Medical Journal of Australia
4. Lynne Layton
Editor, Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society and Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychology,
Harvard Medical School
5. Alfredo Periera Jr
Adjunct Professor at the State University
São Paulo Júlio de Mesquita Filho and earlier, Post-Doctoral Fellow in
Sciences of the Brain and Cognition at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (1996-98)
6. Elizabeth Wager
Freelance medical writer, editor and trainer
based in Princes Risborough, England, and member of the ethics committees for the BMJ and WAME (World Association
of Medical Editors) and a council member of COPE (the Committee On Publication Ethics)
7. Helen Herrman
Director, World Health Organisation Collaborating Center for Research and Training in Mental
Health, University of Melbourne, and Secretary for Publications, World Psychiatric Association
8. Ajit Bhide
Head, Departments of psychiatry and Family Medicine at St. Martha’s Hospital, Bangalore,
9. Madhukar S. Bandisode
Earlier Chief, Intermediate Medicine, and Medical Director of Extended Care
Services from 1979 to 2000 (now retired) and in clinical practice.
10. Discussants of the Mensanamonographs e-group
Roy, Vance, Col. Goel, Nicole, Madhukar, Kumar, Morten, Sadhu, Shakuntala,
11. Leemon McHenry
lecturer at
California State University, Northridge, USA
12. Anonymous Scientist
13. Cortney Davis
Nurse practitioner in women’s health, winner of the Prairie Schooner Poetry
14. Shakuntala A. Singh
Deputy Editor, MSM
15. Ajai R. Singh
Editor, MSM
continue the Academia-Industry Symposium with this issue.
P. Kassirer, Distinguished Professor at Tufts University School of Medicine, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, New England
Journal of Medicine, writes an editorial: ‘Extent And Implications Of The Academia-Industry Connection’.
Lexchin, Professor in the School of Health Policy and Management at York University, writes another editorial: ‘Of
Money And Trust In Biomedical Care’.
Editors, Ajai R. Singh and Shakuntala A. Singh write the third editorial: ‘Academia, Journal Publishing
and the Bio-Medical Industry’.
B Van der Weyden, Editor, Medical Journal of Australia, writes for The Looking Glass: ‘The ICMJE
and URM: Providing Independent Advice for the Conduct of Biomedical Research and Publication’.
We continue with the theme of the 2006 monograph: ‘What Medicine Means To Me’ in this
issue of MSM with some important contributions.
Lynne Layton, Editor, Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society and Assistant
Clinical Professor of Psychology, Harvard Medical School writes on, ‘ What Psychoanalysis, Culture And Society Mean
To Me’.
Alfredo Pereira Jr., currently Adjunct Professor at the State University São Paulo Júlio de Mesquita
Filho and earlier, Post-Doctoral Fellow in Sciences of the Brain and Cognition at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1996-98), writes
on, ‘What the cognitive neurosciences mean to me’.
Elizabeth Wager, freelance medical writer, editor and trainer based in Princes
Risborough, England, and member of the ethics committees for the BMJ and WAME (World Association of Medical Editors)
and a council member of COPE (the Committee On Publication Ethics), writes on, ‘What medical writing means to me’.
Helen Herrman, Director, World Health Organisation Collaborating Center for Research
and Training in Mental Health, University of Melbourne, and Secretary for Publications, World Psychiatric Asssociation, writes
on, ‘What Psychiatry Means To me’ (p…).
the column, Reflections, ‘Recollections of a Journey Through a Psychotic Episode: Or, Mental Illness and Creativity,’
is a scientist’s Anonymous contribution for obvious reasons.
McHenry writes a MSM bookreview of 'Let them eat Prozac' by David Healy.
Vance, Col. Goel, Nicole, Madhukar, Kumar, Morten, Sadhu, Shakuntala, Ajai, members of the mensanamonographs e-group, discuss the 2006 editorial
of MSM, ‘ To Cure Sometimes, To Comfort Always, To hurt The Least, To Harm Never’.
S. Bandisode, earlier Chief, Intermediate Medicine, and Medical Director of Extended Care Services from 1979 to 2000 (now retired) and in clinical practice,
responds to questions raised in, ‘Where is Medical Practice in India Heading?’
and, ‘Turning Points in my Medical Career’, both articles in the 2006 MSM by Sunil K. Pandya.
V. Bhide, Head, Departments of psychiatry and Family Medicine at St. Martha’s Hospital, Bangalore, India, writes
an obituary, ‘Ravinder Lal Kapur, M.D. (1938-2006)’.
Cortney Davis, nurse practitioner in women’s health, author
of three poetry collections, most recently “Leopold’s Maneuvers,” winner of the Prairie Schooner Poetry
Prize, writes two poems for MSM Poems: ‘Doctor At Work, Late Evening’ and ‘Taking Care of Time’.
The Theme MSM 2007 is entitled: ‘ Guidelines, Editors,
Pharma And The Biological Paradigm shift’, and is authored by the editors of MSM. It is divided into ten
chapters, complete with an abstract, concluding remarks, and total references list.
issue of MSM is dedicated to the illustrious memory of Dr. R.L. Kapur.
R. L. Kapur |

Mens Sana Monographs [MSM]: A Mens Sana Research Foundation Publication
MSM 3(6), 4(1-4), 2006. ISSN 0973-1229 |

ISBN: 978-81-89753-13-9 |
Theme Issue 2006: What Medicine Means To Me
MENS SANA MONOGRAPHS, III:6, IV:1-4, MAR-DEC 2006. ISSN 0973-1229.
ISBN 81-89753-13-4.
Available full text online at:
1. Donelson Dulany Editor, American
Jr of Psychology
2. Shaukat Ali Jawaid Chief Editor, Pulse International
3. S.K. Pandya Editor
Emeritus, Indian Jr of Medical Ethics
4. J.K. Trivedi Past
Editor, Indian Jr of Psychiatry
5. Adamson Muula University of Malawi, University of North Carolina
6. Vance Berger National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MA.
7. J. Rosser Matthews Virginia Commonwealth
8. Morten Hesse Aarhus
University, Copenhagen
9. Roy Sugarman Uni
of New South Wales
10. S.C. Panda Editor,
Jr of Community Medicine
11. S. Malhotra PGIMER,
12. N.Shafiq
PGIMER, Chandigarh
13. D. Goel
K.G. Med Uni, Lucknow
14. Avinash De Sousa Consulting
Psychiatrist, Mumbai
15. K. P.Dave
Retired Head Of Psychiatry, LTMG Hospital, Mumbai
What Medicine Means To Me is a first in many ways for MSM.
This is the first Theme Monograph. It is also the first Monograph which has contributions from the Asian, Australian, American
and African continents.
Donelson Dulany, Professor of Psychology Emeritus at the University of Illinois and Editor, American
Journal of Psychology, writes on, ‘What Psychology Means To Me’.
Sunil K. Pandya, who writes on ‘Where is Medical Practice In India Heading?’ and also on ‘ Turning Points In My
Medical Career’, is a Neurosurgeon and from the Dept of Neurosurgery, Jaslok Hospital And Research Center, Mumbai, India.
He is also Editor Emeritus, Indian Journal Of Medical Ethics, and on the International Advisory Board of MSM.
Shaukat Ali Jawaid, who writes on ‘What Medicine and Medical Journal editing means to me’, is Chief Editor, Pulse International,
and Managing Editor, Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan.
Adamson S. Muula, who writes
on ‘Medicine and Money: Friend or Foe?’ is from the Department of Community Health, University of Malawi, College
of Medicine, Malawi and Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States.
Vance W. Berger, from the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA, and J. Rosser Matthews, from the Virginia Commonwealth
University, write on, ‘What Does “Biostatistics” Mean to Us?’
Roy Sugarman, Acting Director of Psychology at Royal Rehabilitation
Centre in Sydney, and Conjoint Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry at the University of New South Wales, writes on, ‘What
Psychology Means to Me’.
S.C. Panda, who
writes on ‘Medicine: Science or Art?’ is Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, V.S.S. Medical
College, Burla, Orissa, and Editor, Jr of Community Medicine.
Morten Hesse, who writes on ‘What Does Addiction Mean
to Me?’ is from Aarhus University, Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Købmagergade 26E, DK-1150 Copenhagen.
J. K. Trivedi, Professor,
Department of Psychiatry, and Dishanter Goel, Junior, Resident, both from the King George’s Medical University, Lucknow, India, write on, ‘What Psychiatry Means To Us’. JKT has also been Past Editor, Indian
Journal of Psychiatry, Past President, Indian Psychiatric Society, and is a Member of the International Advisory Board
of MSM.
S. Malhotra and N. Shafiq, from the Department of Pharmacology, Postgraduate
Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India, write on, ‘What Clinical Pharmacology Means to Us?’.
Ajai R. Singh, Editor and Shakuntala A. Singh, Deputy Editor, MSM, write Editorials
on 'Cure Sometimes, Comfort Always, Hurt The Least, Harm Never', ‘Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists’
and ‘What is a Good Editorial?’, besides writing for the Looking Mirror, ‘A look at CMAJ: A Misty
Image Indeed’. Ajai R. Singh also writes Musings, and in MSM Poems.
Avinash De Sousa, Consulting Psychiatrist, Mumbai, writes an Obituary for
his mother in, ‘Dr. Mrs. Dhanalakshmi De Sousa.1938-2005.A Tribute’. K.P Dave, Head, Dept of Psychiatry, L.T.M.G. Hospital and
Medical College, Sion, Mumbai also writes an Obituary to Dr. De Sousa with whom he worked for a number of years.
The writings present a rich and varied fare for the serious reader.
Call For Papers for Theme MSM on Medicine, Mental Health, Science, Religion and Well-Being