N. Bagadia is Ex-Emeritus Professor and Head (Retired), Dept of Psychiatry, K.E.M. Hospital and Seth G.S. Medical
College, Mumbai. He has also been Head, WHO Collaborating Centre for Psychopharmacology in India; Honorary Psychiatrist, Bombay
Hospital and Institute of Medical Science; Individual Member and Member Committee (1971-1984), World Psychiatric Association;
Member, World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH); Member, Advisory Committee, Dept of Science and Technology, Govt of India
(Neurobiology and Human Behaviour); Member, Experts’ Committee (Mental Health) I.C.M.R. (Head, Biological Psychiatry);
Fellow, Association of Physicians of India; Founder Fellow, Royal College of Psychiatry; Corresponding Fellow, American Psychiatric
Association; Fellow and Past President, Indian Psychiatric Society, Indian Psychiatric Society (West Zone) and Bombay Psychiatric
Society. He is author and co-author of over 200 research papers/ publications.
Mens Sana Monographs [MSM]: A Mens Sana Research Foundation Publication