That white horse you see in the park
could be a zebra synchronised with the railings.
- Ann Jellicoe*
Most researchers and science - watchers would
want to bring about a wider discussion on the need for an Indian Science, to focus attention on the true scientific temper
and remedy the rot that has set into it in this part of the globe. It is no doubt true that a lot of Indian research is replicative
in nature, and originality is at a premium here. In this, the rigid hierarchical system that governs scientific establishments
(as it does others) has its own significant role to play. But we cannot discount a host of other factors, not the least being
our lack of sophistication in research tools, low priority to research, bureaucratization and politicking in research projects
and grants. And, last but not the least, the sociocultural ethos, and the Indian psyche itself that, amongst other things,
favours compliance and abhors change, regardless of its need. It is thus inevitable that mediocrity of various hues should
be in great demand, and perfection or its search considered impracticable, if not impossible. Mediocrity is the best guarantee
of conformity and status-quo; duplication and ad-hocism is the maximum that lies within its capacity. Any trend-setting must
involve the ability to significantly depart from earlier convictions, and defend this on the basis of adequate evidence. This
is basically anathema to a system that thrives on rigid notions that perpetuate a deeply ingrained love of traditionalism
and obscurantism. Ad-hocism bugs Indian Science as much as it does other worthwhile disciplines. This is of course only a
reflection of the state of Indian society itself and is a separate topic in its own right.
*Cohen and Cohen (1986)
Mens Sana Monographs [MSM]: A Mens Sana Research Foundation Publication