Third Monograph: What Shall We Do About Our Concern With The Most Recent In Psychiatric
Research?, Sept.-Oct. 2003.
ISSN 0973-1229.
ISBN 81-89753-02-9.
Rs. 100/- US $10/-
Also in, Psychiatry, Science, Religion and Health : MSM Annual 2004, II, 1-3, May-Oct
2004, p45-50.
What Shall We Do About Our Concern with the Most Recent in Psychiatric Research?
Ajai R. Singh
Shakuntala A. Singh
Mens Sana Monographs [MSM]: A Mens Sana Research Foundation Publication
Most clinicians and researchers are concerned with recent advances
in psychiatry. This involves the danger whether something time-tested may get sidelined for extra-scientific reasons. That
the pharmaceutical industry and superspecialist researcher may keep churning out new findings to impressaudiences is only
a partial truth. Research progresses by refutation and self-correction. Acceptance in science is always provisional; changing
paradigms, frameworks of enquiry and raising new questions is integral to breakthrough in scientific knowledge. Hence, there
is in science a constant concern with the new. Moreover, the number of treatment non- responders to the time-tested swells
with time, and researchers feel challenged to find ways and means of resolving their difficulties. Newer challenges need newer
strategies. Obsession with the most recent can lead us astray, but a healthy evidence-based acceptance of the new is essential
for advancement in psychiatric research. As indeed of research in all fields of medicine. And of science in general. The role
of lithium and newer mood stabilizers in bipolar disorders are taken as examples to highlight this point.
Key Terms :
Psychiatric research, Refutation, Paradigm shift, Bipolar
Disorders, Lithium, Mood-stabilizers, Treatment Non-responders, Pharmaceutical Industry.