Preface to the Sixth Monograph

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Consider this :

1. You as an Indian, do not have the Right to Health, although our Directive Principles of State Policy, the Preamble of the WHO and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN mention it categorically.

2. Most countries which care for its people, including Russia, France and US, have granted such a Right many decades ago.

3. Progressive Five Year Plans of the Indian Government have reduced government spending on health as a percentage of the GDP.

4. National Health Policy was hardly debated on the floor of the house when tabled, probably because it was a soft political issue.

5. There are strong forces in the medical establishment, which in the name of upholding standards, may not want greater dispersal of services.

6. Governments and medical institutions may have conflicting interests, and the citizens’ interests may get side-lined in the process.

7. Greater health awareness and care are signs of a more evolved society. People, governments and medical institutions will work in tandem only with greater development coming in their country in other walks of life as well.

8. If we have to achieve the goal of Health for All, we must have the courage to make the commitment: All for Health. Otherwise slogans like ‘Health for All, All for Health’, become one more cliche to mouth on suitable occasions.

Mens Sana Monographs [MSM]: A Mens Sana Research Foundation Publication


Physicians of all men are most happy; what success soever they have, the world proclaimeth, and what faults they commit, the earth covereth.

- Francis Quarles (Hieroglyphics of the Life of Man)