Towards A Suicide Free Society : Identify
Suicide Prevention As Public Health Policy*
Ajai R. Singh
Shakuntala A. Singh
Suicide is amongst the top
ten causes of death for all age groups in most countries of the world. It is the second most important cause of death
in the younger age group (15-19 yrs.) , second only to vehicular accidents. Attempted suicides are ten times the successful
suicide figures, and 1-2% attempted suicides become successful suicides every year. Male sex, widowhood, single or divorced
marital status, addiction to alcohol or drugs, concomitant chronic physical or mental illness, past suicidal attempt, adverse
life events, staying in lodging homes or staying alone, or in areas with a changing population, all these conditions predispose
people to suicides. The key factor probably is social isolation. An important WHO Study established that out of a total of
6003 suicides, 98% had a psychiatric disorder. Hence mental health professionals have an important role to play in the prevention
and management of suicide. Moreover, social disintegration also increases suicides, as was witnessed in the Baltic States
following collapse of the Soviet Union. Hence, reducing social isolation, preventing social disintegration and treating mental
disorders is the three pronged attack that must be the crux of any public health programme to reduce/prevent suicide. This
requires an integrated effort on the part of mental health professionals (including crisis intervention and medication/psychotherapy),
governmental measures to tackle poverty and unemployment, and social attempts to reorient value systems and prevent sudden
disintegration of norms and mores. Suicide prevention and control is thus a movement which involves the state, professionals,
NGOs, volunteers and an enlightened public. Further, the Global Burden of Diseases Study has projected a rise of more than
50% in mental disorders by the year 2020 (from 9.7% in 1990 to 15% in 2020). And one third of this rise will be due to Major
Depression. One of the prominent causes of preventable mortality is suicidal attempts made by patients of Major Depression.
Therefore facilities to tackle this condition need to be set up globally on a war footing by governments, NGOs and health
care delivery systems, if morbidity and mortality of the world population has to be seriously controlled . The need, first
of all, is to identify suicide prevention as public health policy, just as we think in terms of Malaria or Polio eradication,
or have achieved smallpox eradication.
Key Terms:
Suicide Prevention, Social Isolation, Social Disintegration,
Depression, DALY (Disability Adjusted Life Years), Global Burden of Diseases, Psychiatric treatment in suicide.
Mens Sana Monographs [MSM]: A Mens Sana Research Foundation Publication