X Monograph (Concluded): Index (Concluded)

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Index (Contd.)


Raipur Rani Block, Community Mental Health Model 1,4,9

Ranbaxy, the recent showing 26-27

   price deflation in US market, increased R and D spending, litigation bills 26

   reported a Rs. 10.77 crore loss in Q3, 26

Ravinder Kala 7, 10

     Write-up on Dr. Wig 7-10

Readers Respond 54

Reduction in pharma spending over

      junkets and trinkets 20

References 50

Mens Sana Monographs, III,4-5, Nov. 2005-Feb. 2006 67

Relafen, GlaxoSmithKline paid $75 million for allegedly overcharging patients and insurers 24

Religion and spirituality in disease reduction/ prevention 18

Religious Spirituality and Practices, Preventive Medicine,

    Complementary Medicine and, for disease prevention 18

Remedy, Short term and Long 32-40, 41-47

Resolution, Medicine as a Patient Welfare Centered Professional Enterprise 41-46

Romans at the height of their glory 21

Romans, Yadavas and the 48

Royal College of Psychiatrists, and Prof Wig 1


SAARC Psychiatric Federation i

Salman Akhtar 5-6

Sanjay Gandhi’s aggressive family planning campaigns 4

Schering-Plough 19

    faces ongoing investigation over its hepatitis drug, Intron A 24 pleaded guilty, fined US $ 350 million for providing ‘educational grants’ more appropriately called ‘kickbacks’ by the prosecutors 24

Servants of the People Society 2

Set Rethinking Process into Motion 28-29

Sicknesses, upsurge in 16

    from use of wireless technology 16

    greater commercialization 16

     permissive morality 16

Shah, Anil V iii,iv

Short term measures, reduction in(See also Long term measures)

     getting pliant researchers into drug trials 20

     hype over ‘me too’ drugs 20

     manipulation of drug trials 20

     manipulation of Journal Editors 20

     pharma spending over junkets and trinkets 20

Short term measures

    Indian Pharma, to conduct their own unbiased clinical trial 20

    to forward patient welfare agenda ix, 20, 32-33, 49

Short term and Long term Remedy 32

     Long term Measures ix, 20,33-34

    Short Term Measures ix, 20, 32-33

Sicknesses not reducing in number, changing in type 15

Singh A.R., Singh S.A., (2005), 30, 50r

Spanner in the Works 22

Spate of Law Suits Going to Increase 29-30

Spirituality, Religion and, in disease reduction/ prevention 18

Steering Committee, WPA 9

Stock prices for AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline, extraordinarily volatile 25

Subscription viii, 58

    Individual 58

    Institutional 58

    Patron 58

    Retired teacher/Researcher 58

    SAARC Countries 58

    Student 58

Such amount of patient welfare as also ensures profit 20

Such amount of profit as also ensures patient welfare 20

Summing up: Medicine as a Patient Welfare Centered Professional Enterprise 46-47

Sunil Pandya, iii, iv


TAP Pharmaceuticals 19,

     paid US $ 290 million in criminal fines, plus US $ 585 million in civil penalties 24

    over Lupron, a potent gonadotropin-releasing hormone 25

Technology to ameliorate disease 17

Temperance called for, activists may lack, government/ academia must exercise, judiciary ensure 30

Tenth Monograph, The 11, 19-50

Terrorist attacks using modern technology on inimical civilizations 16

The Choice 40

The Problem 21

TNN and Agencies (2005), 26, 50r

68 Mens Sana Monographs, III,4-5, Nov. 2005-Feb. 2006

To expect less pampering 13

To forward patient welfare agenda,

      Short term measures ix, 20, 32-33, 49

Touched the lives of millions 9

Trinity of Preventive Medicine, Complementary Medicine and Religious Spirituality and Practices for disease prevention 18

Trinkets, Junkets and docs 13

     like some feudal lords of yester years 13

     Musings 13

    no option but to pamper 13

    to expect less pampering 13

    pharma to place a voluntary cut on junkets and trinkets 13

    voluntary moratorium on spending by pharma 14

Trivedi, J. K. i, iii, iv


United States v. TAP

Pharmaceuticals, (2001), 24-25, 50r

Urdu poetry 10

US market growth—half of global pharma sales occur in the USA— slowed, thanks largely to fewer blockbuster drug launches 25


Vaillant George E. iii, iv

Veena Wig (Dr) 6,9,10

Venkoba Rao A., Obituary 53

Vioxx catastrophe is likely to result in a US $ 10-15 billion litigation bill 25

Voluntary moratorium on spending by pharma 14


Website of Mens Sana Monographs http://mensanamonographs.tripod.com iii, vi, viii, x

What do These Law Suits Indicate? 30-31

Where is Medicine Heading? Pointers and Directions from Recent Law Suits Against Industry v, vii, ix, xi, 19-51

     Medicine As A Corporate Enterprise, Patient Welfare Centered Profession, Or Patient Welfare Centered Professional Enterprise? v, vii, ix, xi, 19-51

Why increased R and D spending?

     Because R and D had become more an eyewash 27-28

Why litigation costs?

     Because, side effect profile was either not studied, or conveniently suppressed 28

Why price deflation?

     Because activists and regulating authorities were firmly resisting any further cost escalation 27

WHO Collaborating Centre viii, ix, 1

WHO Regional Advisor, Mental Health, Prof Wig as 9

Wig N.N. iii, iv, xiii, ix, 1,3-6, 7-10, 52

    A Larger than Life Persona who

    Makes People Feel Immediately at Ease 7-10

    All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 1

    Bio-data 1-2

    Colourful T shirts 10

    Dedication to Dr. N.N. Wig xiii

     Encyclopedic knowledge 6

     “Good Afternoon!” 8

     Handsome man with a warm smile 7

    Harvallabh festival of classical music 10

     Honest researcher 9

     In great awe of Prof. Wig 8

     National Academy of Medical Science 1

    Pioneer, Conscientious Researcher, and a Multi-faceted Personality 3-6

    professional approach, ethics and values given by 10

    Professor Emeritus, PGIMER, Chandigarh. 1

     Prof. N.N. Wig Unit in Lahore 2

     Raipur Rani Block 1, 4, 9

     Readers Respond 54

     Royal College of Psychiatrists 1

     Servants of the People Society 2

Mens Sana Monographs, III,4-5, Nov. 2005-Feb. 2006 69

     Steering Committee, WPA 9

     Touched the lives of millions 9

     Urdu poetry 10

     Veena Wig (Dr) 6,9,10

WHO Collaborating Centre 1

WHO Regional Advisor, Mental Health 9

Write-up on Dr.Wig by A.K. Kala 3-6

Write-up on Dr.Wig by Ravinder Kala 7-10

Wig, (Dr) Veena 6,9,10

     beautiful, charming and artistic 9

     multifaceted personality 10

What medicine means to me, Call for Papers for x

Where is Medicine Heading? Pointers and Directions from Recent Law Suits Against Industry: Medicine As A Corporate Enterprise, Patient Welfare Centered Profession, Or Patient Welfare Centered Professional Enterprise? v, vii, ix, xi, xiv, 11, 19,

World Psychiatric Association i

Wyeth 19

     US $ 1 billion verdict against it for its Pondimin, an anti-obesity ] drug 25



Yadavas during Krishna’s times 21

Yadavas and the Romans, 48


Zoladex, AstraZeneca settled criminal fraud charges of US$ 355 million 24

70 Mens Sana Monographs, III,4-5, Nov. 2005-Feb. 2006


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