MSM 2(1-3), 2004. ISSN 0973-1229 |
ISBN: 978-81-89753-06-1 |
ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-06-1 (HB). Rs 350/- ; US $ 25/- (HB)
ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-07-X (PB).
Rs. 200/- ; US $20/- (PB).
Psychiatry, Science, Religion and Health
The six diverse topics covered in this MSM Annual 2004
are an attempt to present to the contemporary thinking mind some of the major concerns of our society today. They include
topic in the four areas of Psychiatry, Science, Religion and Health.
Psychiatry is important since it concerns psychopathology
of the human mind and living. Resolving them would mean laying the foundations of correct thought and appropriate action.
Science is important because this age belongs to it, and therefore there is the challenge, as also the danger, that this age
maybe usurped by it. That is possible because the interests of Science and Man may clash, and the former may supercede the
Religion is important because faith, the cornerstone of
religion, plays a great role in guiding man’s thinking and actions. And anything that guides can also overwhelm and
misguide. That thin dividing line which cannot be transgressed needs to be clearly demarcated by the contemporary rational
mind. Health is important because it is often taken for granted, and its true value realised only after it is lost. Moreover,
health is as much an individual as a social concern.
This volume, a collection of six monographs published between
May 2003 and April 2004, covers a wide expanse of stimulating material for the reader interested in deeper understanding of
issues which concern man and society today, as both grope forward in search of understanding and nodal points for concerted
Psychiatry, Science, Religion and Health is dedicated to the memory of esteemed
Psychiatrist Prof. L.P. Shah.
About the Authors :
Ajai R. Singh,
M.D. is a Psychiatrist who has earlier worked with the WHO Collaborating Center in Psychopharmacology in India.
Shakuntala A Singh,
Ph.D., is Reader and Head, Dept. of Philosophy, Joshi-Bedekar College, Thane, India. She has earlier been a Fellow
of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
They are founders of the Mens Sana Research Foundation,India.
For more details on DR.A.R.SINGH and DR.S.A.SINGH CLICK HERE
Dedicated to Dr.L.P.Shah
See also A tribute by the Editors
1. THE FIRST MONOGRAPH (ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-00-2) contains topics :-Preface to the First
Monograph, Psychiatric Consequences of WTC Collapse and the Gulf War, Abstract ,Gulf War Syndrome, Delving into History,
Concluding Remarks, References. Questions that the First Monograph raises. Readers Respond
: N.N.Wig, R.Srinivasa Murthy, C.Shamasunder, R.M.Chokhani.
2. THE SECOND MONOGRAPH (ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-01-0)contains
topics:- Preface to the Second Monograph, Towards a Suicide-Free Society: Identify Suicide Prevention as Public Health Policy,
Abstract, Introduction, Magnitude of the problem, W.H.O. Study, What Can You Do? DALY and Burden of
Disease ,Suicide Prevention: How? Paradigm shift. Concluding Remarks, References. Questions that the Second Monograph raises.
Appendix A : Answering Two Serious Charges on Suicide Prevention. Appendix B : Readers
Respond i) How do we account for Deaths like Jnaneshwara’s and Rama’s? - S.G.Mudgal ;
ii) Suicide rates under-reported - K.S. Jacob ; iii) I am Thrilled! - Q.B.
Maskati ; iv) Convert into actionable points - R.Srinivasa Murthy.
3. THE THIRD MONOGRAPH (ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-89753-02-9.) contains topics:- Preface to the Third
Monograph, What Shall We Do about Our Concern with the Most Recent in Psychiatric Research ? Abstract, Introduction,
The Example of Lithium, Refutation and Paradigm shifts, Newer Challenges, Newer Strategies , Concluding remarks,
References. Questions that the Third Monograph raises. Readers Respond : Indla Ramasubba Reddy, R.K.Das, Vivek V.Chincholkar.
4. THE FOURTH MONOGRAPH (ISSN 0973-1229. ISBN 81-98753-03-7.) contains topics:
Preface to the Fourth Monograph, Replicative Nature of Indian Research, Essence of Scientific Temper and
Future of Scientific Progress, Abstract, I) Introduction, Replicative Research , Discrimination and Assimilation,
What has to be done; II) The Essence of Scientific Temper; Science, the discipline, and Scientist, the man ;
Scientific Temper and Religiosity, Refutation, Some Conclusions; III) Two Contrary Streams of Thought, Cause
for Pessimism?, Resolution of the Pessimism ; Man for Science, or Science for Man? In Closing, References
and Notes. Questions that the Fourth Monograph raises . Appendix : Some Answers - Ajai
R. Singh.
5. THE FIFTH MONOGRAPH: Preface to the
Fifth Monograph ,Gandhi on Religion, Faith and Conversion: Secular Blueprint Relevant Today,
Abstract, Introduction, On Religion, On Christianity, On Conversion,
Missionary work, Crystallization of Views, A story, References and Notes. Questions that the Fifth Monograph raises.
Readers Respond Some Answers - R.N.Sawardekar; Pandora’s
Box... - S.V.Ghatnekar.
6. THE SIXTH MONOGRAPH: Preface to the Sixth Monograph, The Goal: Health for All;The
Commitment: All for Health, Abstract , Introduction, Health for all by 2000 AD, Primary Health Care ,
Sad Story, National Health Policies, ‘Forgetting’ Health, Medicine and Commitment, References.
Questions that the Sixth Monograph raises. Readers Respond : S.M.Channabasavanna.;year=2004;volume=2;issue=1;month=January-December
Mens Sana Monographs [MSM]: A Mens Sana Research Foundation Publication